I am against abortion, it is child sacrifice in order to bring prosperity. Not much different than what they did in ancient times with child sacrifice to Molek and Baal. That being said I have never seen a law change a human heart. Laws are a lot like watches. A watch can't keep your from being late, it only reminds you are late similarly a law just reminds of what we did wrong. Abortions will occur even if there are laws against it.

We need to infect heart of people if you want this to change. Posting pictures of this practice is a good place to start.

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The saddest part is women who have troubled

pregnancy’s, bleeding and have to travel out of state or die. It’s happening and it’s disgusting. Not all pregnancies are viable and the USA is 55th in safe mothers and babies as it is. Shameful.

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No, the saddest part is you try to justify the legalized, brutal deaths of more than 65 million human beings inside, partially inside or newly outside the womb who survive their abortion attack.

Their unjust, cruel deaths mean nothing to you.

Tell us, DeeDee, when did you abort your conscience?

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65,000 rapes in Texas Bridget. Don’t care about those little girls of course you don’t. It’s a right wings man’s perogative.

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Again, you mention some wrongs, such as rape, and then pretend we’re not discussing your desire to violently murder little babies.

The mind of the abortionphile is very warped, indeed.

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RemovedJul 13
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Well, abortionphiles like you must love it to know your murder victims are being recycled. You get to practice your religion of child sacrifice and make a ton of profit from the children’s body parts. DeeDee thinks some kids just don’t deserve to live but why waste good parts, right?


“…the experiments ‘included scalping five-month-old fetuses in order to stitch their scalps and back skin onto lab rats and transporting fetal kidneys to other researchers.’”

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Where did you get that number from? According to official reports the number was 16,500 in 2023. Please explain what you mean by a right wing mans prerogative? Do right wing people have more privilege than others? How does ending a life make another persons life better?

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Deedee lacks the intellectual ability and factual data to back up or even defend her absurd statements.

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I appreciate hearing other's perspectives. However, it doesn't change my mind about supporting a woman's right to choose. The size of a baby's hand is irrelevant to me.

If all abortions become illegal, I fear what happens to the baby once it's born - who supports it and the mother - to ensure that both are given the care and continuous support they deserve to live with equal opportunity.

Why would you force a mother to have a baby if they can't provide for it financially? Or perhaps the mother is ill-equipped emotionally or physically disabled - maybe all three?

Even if our government, local community services and family structures offer all the financial support, medical care and caregiving a mother could want, a baby deserves parents who are willing to dedicate themselves to a lifetime commitment.

All too often, systems fail and women are the ones who are burdened with 100% of the responsibilities of raising the baby. All too often, poor women are burdened with 100% of the responsibilities and unable to access resources available to them. All too often, oppressed, poor women are burdened with 100% of the responsibilities and unable to access resources available to them. It is for this reason, I will always support a woman's right to choose.

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I agree with you, and hope for the day when every child conceived is wanted, loved and can be well cared for. Perhaps this will actually happen as an organic result of the growing infertility crisis we are seeing across the board in developed countries thanks to all the reproductive damage caused by the covid jabs.

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Low fertility rates is not caused by the COVID vaccine. Your are NOT a medical doctor. Stop spreading information that has no scientific bases.

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Looking at numbers that factually show decreasing fertility rates by country across the globe since 2021 does not require a medical degree (or any other degree, for that matter), All it requires is eyes to see and the ability to read. Identifying the only thing that changed in 2021 that wasn't present before 2021 does not require any kind of advanced degree either. I'm sorry that you lack the ability to think for yourself, or to do actual research. All who have done actual research have arrived at similar conclusions that I have, regardless of background; whether it is basic school or advanced degrees. According to your logic, if you have not personally given up your own authority to make decisions over any aspect of your life to some "authority", then you are nothing but a hypocrite and have no right to make comments or to even state an opinion. Point: Are you a chef? If not, according to your logic....don't you dare even consider cooking a meal to feed your family; you're not qualified, as you are not a nutritional or culinary expert and you have no business trying to do this. Are you a financial advisor? You'd better be...otherwise, you've no business even attempting to manage your money; you're not qualified. Do you have a degree in early childhood education? If not...how dare you think you are qualified to be a parent or to even think you can raise a child?

Can you see the ridiculousness behind this position?

Do not even attempt to sling stupid comments at anyone else about "qualifications" unless you yourself walk the walk. Which you don't. Because no one possibly can! This entire line of shit is a pure psy op; it is brainwashing. People have been brainwashed into thinking that exactly what you are saying makes sense when in reality, it doesn't at all.

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>Why would you force a mother to have a baby if they can't provide for it financially? Or perhaps the mother is ill-equipped emotionally or physically disabled - maybe all three?<

Why would you kill a child because they are born into less than ideal circumstances? Do you support infanticide if the mother loses her job, thus becoming "unable to provide for it financially?"

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I agree with this. People commenting are often times naive or men.. I am a man myself and I agree with what you say. What good is a child’s life if a mother (and father) can’t give the proper care to a child.

Although I think there should be a legal limit on how long you have for an abortion. If you are already 5 months along that’s too far in my personal opinion.

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Shall we thus kill children if their parents are unable or unwilling to "give the proper care" to them? Why do only the unborn receive this special honor?

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Yup I agree. No one wants to kill babies. But up till a certain amount of weeks should be a woman’s choice.

For me it’s about troubled pregnancies and women not getting the urgent care they need. Having to travel out of state for emergency care. Suffering bleeding etc. Ridiculous. Emtala needs to be certified better.

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You want to kill babies. Who are you trying to fool?

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Yea pro choice. Stay in your lane or Solve the largest reason children are dying

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Wait, you’re so confusing. Are you now saying children shouldn’t die, DeeDee?

How does that comport with your beloved abortion then? Does that not KILL them?

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Hahahaha ok Bridget.

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Very well said. Until

They deal with the highest death and children from guns there is no discussion. Everyone needs to stay in their lane.

Don’t want an abortion don’t have one.

Don’t want to be gay don’t be gay

Don’t want to be trans don’t be trans.

Don’t want men and other people in your business then stop them

Don’t like that everyone’s not a nationalist. Move on.

People need to just stay in their own lanes and mind their own beeswax. They can have their own opinions and that’s about it.

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No, we won’t be silent as human children are being murdered.

Your love of death and hatred of these little ones is grotesque. If it were you who faced such slaughter, how you’d beg, cry and scream for mercy when you have none for these children.

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When you solve children being shot in schools you call me😎 until

Then you are a hypocrite. 🤡

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Why does butchering the youngest child escape your mind?

Innocent human blood is innocent human blood.

Abortionphiles don’t care about all children, but they’ll use those murdered by guns to try to defend their own child sacrifice.

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Shot children bleed too Bridget. You hypocrite.

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Yes, it’s always wrong to murder children. Whether by gun or tablets or suction or surgical instruments.

Did you forget your position, DeeDee?

You’re the one who wants to kill the youngest ones.

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I think you’re the kind of person who could easily have the job of piecing back the bodies of the freshly butchered babies. I think you’d find your work fulfilling.

Too bad you missed 30s Germany, DH, you’d have gone far there.

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Wow, that's a very judgmental statement. Are you God?

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So speaking out against child slaughter, which by definition is what abortion/infanticide is, is “judgmental?”

You wrote: “If all abortions become illegal, I fear what happens to the baby once it's born…” Do you mean you worry the child might be killed, DH? As in what you desire to have the legal power to do during his or her first nine months prenatally and after birth should s/he survive an abortion?

Do you not see your logical and moral inconsistency?

And you pretend no human has the right to speak out for those perishing because they’re not God? Good to know. If your life is ever at stake, no one should offend you by coming to your defense, right? Oh, how silly, no Abortionphile wants to be killed, that’s only for their sons and daughters to suffer, not them.

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What an articulate, thoughtful response.

But I’ve not found those defending the murder of children to be the brightest overall.

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Uvalde had butchered babies. Did you cry then. No you saluted

probably the thug.

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Are you a post abortive mom, DeeDee?

There’s a reason for your bizarre statements here. It could well be PAS.

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RemovedJul 13
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So you not only hate the preborn human, you hate Christ?

That makes perfect sense.

After all, child sacrifice is your religion.

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Hate hypocrites like you Bridget.

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Jul 12Liked by Ann Mcelhinney

In the days following the referendum I was at a birthday party in Ireland. I met a woman who couldn't contain her glee at the decision.

That should tell you all you need to know about the state of humanity—absolute glee at the prospect of butchering innocent life.

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More barbaric than slavery!

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Yeah Uvalde was barbaric. But those kids don’t count do they

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Again, the irony of the woman who yearns to kill babies legally commenting on a person’s correct assessment that abortion is more barbaric than slavery is not lost on us, DeeDee.


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Hypocrites. Live children matter. Shame on you

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Deedee, did you sleep through biology class?

Do you not know the preborn human is alive? If it’s not, why do you desire to kill her?

If she’s not alive, DeeDee, how does she grow?

You’re a rather confused abortionphile. When you were in your mother’s womb, what were you if not alive, DeeDee?

Think hard.

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Hahahah ok Bridget the hypocrite.

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Again, you have no intelligent response.

You can’t even answer a simple question about why would you kill something not alive? So simple a child could answer it.


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Jul 11Liked by Ann Mcelhinney

Ignorance is bliss

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I have always supported “choice” on the abortion issue, but I appreciate Ann’s perspective and information that, as usual, you will not read in mainstream media accounts. It is troubling information and it makes me want to learn more about how best to draw the lines on legal and illegal abortions.

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How about “draw the lines” on child sacrifice?

Or as a man are you glad there’s a way to dispose of your unwanted son or daughter?

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Or stop

Shooting children in schools Bridget you hypocrite.

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You do realize you have no legitimacy here condemning some child murder while advocating for it in other situations at the same time, right?

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Bridget, you appear to be an absolutist, which is fine, but In the world in which we live, like it or not, We do have to draw lines that compromise extreme positions, and by calling them extremes I don’t mean to demonize them. It’s just a measurement on a scale. These lines are a matter of competing philosophies and political realities. There is a balance to be made between the rights of the unborn v. The rights of a pregnant woman. Sorry. But that’s where we are with sizable percentages of the populace strongly supporting both sides.

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You’re correct most people do want abortion legalized in the US currently, Bruce.

Slavery wasn’t dismantled in a day here, either.

But why are we even alive if not to help each other?

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Right. Hypocrite Bridget no only some children matter.

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You’re embarrassing yourself here, DeeDee.

You seem to forget I defend all children’s lives. Are you confusing me with yourself, since you’re the one who seeks the legal power to execute the very youngest and most helpless ones?

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This article reads as heavily biased.

A Google search produced a medical journal which details rinsing the aspirate with cold water to ensure the gestational sac and fetus have been completely removed. The article states “…after 9 weeks fetal parts may also be seen (limbs, calvarium, and spine). A backlight underneath the dish helps. After 10 weeks gestation, all fetal parts should be identified”. Another Google search reveals that 4 in 10 (40%) abortions (data from 2021) occur before 6 weeks gestation, another 4 in 10 by 7-9 weeks gestation, and 14% occur at 10-12 weeks. 93% of all abortions occurred in the first trimester. Therefore in 80% of aspirated abortions fetal parts would not be seen. This commentary portrays the sieving of fetal parts as an all day job that someone does day in and day out when in truth the vast majority of that person’s day would involve zero fetal body parts at all. (Look at The Guardian article “What a Pregnancy Actually Looks Like Before 10 Weeks” from 2022).

Secondly, there was a time in the United States where abortion was a non-issue except for Catholics. Ronald Reagan, while governor of California, legalized abortion before 20 weeks in 1967. It wasn’t until the 1980s when Republicans decided to court the Christian vote that abortion was made political and portrayed to be murder. The Bible says nothing about abortion.

Believe what you will about when life begins, and whether or not you would have an abortion. But forcing your beliefs onto others is ethically and morally wrong, and - if you’re an American - goes against the very freedoms everyone loves to boast about.

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And what if I believe that murder is allowable? If you are okay with the state preventing me from committing murder, are you thus "forcing your beliefs" onto me?

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Yup everyone need to do them and let others do themselves. They don’t want to be forced to do anything then they should not be forcing their beliefs on others. That is the whole

Problem Here. Not abortion. It’s meddling in people

Own business

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So let’s say someone more powerful than you saw you as a problem and decided to do to you what you want the legal power to do to the defenseless human child inside, partially inside or newly outside the womb who dared to survive her abortion attack.

Yep, DeeDee’s own words means might makes right.

Hope you’re not too attached to your life either because your obvious love for the violence and death of children means there’s no right to life for any of us, including you, abortionphile.

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I am sorry but I just don’t understand what you are saying but I do hear your anger.

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She’s completely whacked out in the cult.

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Let me spell it out for you.

Murder, the taking of innocent life, is wrong. Taking innocent life by abortion is murder.

Abortion is wrong because it takes innocent life by murder.

Now, do you understand?

I think you probably did before you wrote what you wrote, though. Let’s be honest, Leanne.

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What about school

Shootings Bridget. What about moms dying in child birth. What’s about children dying in churches

School concerts. You are hypocritical. Those children don’t matter.

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You have no idea about me and you seem to have no clue about anything. Stay in your lane of christofascism and leave the rest of us alone. You do you buddy🙋🏼‍♀️ no one wants to be you 😁

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Are you a post abortive mother, DeeDee?

Your typical proAbortion remarks are a weak attempt to redirect the conversation away from the topic at hand.

Why do you desire the power to kill the very youngest, DeeDee? Does it make you feel powerful?

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Whack job you are. Typical

Cult Member.

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Hey, Becky, forcing a little girl (or boy) to have her limbs separated from her torso and her head crushed fits the bill for “shedding innocent blood,” which God hates, according to His Word in Proverbs 6:16-17.

It’s funny when BabyKillers claim since the specific type of murder, abortion, isn’t named, it somehow isn’t a sin and crime against its victim. Say, Becky, there’s no specific prohibition against child porn in the Bible either. So do you argue from the same faulty premise on that as well? Or wouldn’t that fit your agenda?

You desperately try to argue you can do whatever you want to your son or daughter because you’re more powerful.

Please remember this line of thought if you’re ever in a situation with someone with more power than you and who thinks like you. Maybe then you’ll understand the preborn child’s plight, but then again, maybe not.

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You seem nice.

Things the Bible does actually say:

Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you (i.e. me, the “babykiller” and “abortionphile”);

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers;

Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you;

Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

John 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

Have a wonderful weekend, Bridget! <3

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So you’re trying to take the Word of God and use it to hide behind your desire to legally kill defenseless preborn, partially born and newborns who’re killed after surviving their abortion?

You know that’s similar to Satan as he tried to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. He, too, quoted scripture the way you do.

We see through you, Becky.

God hates hands that shed innocent blood. Proverbs 6:16-17

There’s no defense for your desire to do it, Becky. And yes, by your own words, you are a BabyKiller.

Your love of child murder by abortion this makes you an Abortionphile as well.

Words matter.

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RemovedJul 13
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You’re unable to deal with reality, DeeDee, I get it. I suppose anyone who supports torturing children to death in abortion/infanticide has to hide from reality for various reasons. It’s a terrible thing to support and it afflicts the soul as well as the mind.

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Forcing a child

Into rape is disgusting hey Bridget. What about child

Trafficking Bridget. Not all

Kids matter right?

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As a Christian, I support the right to life of all human being of any age.

I’ve never said I support any crime such as rape, etc., though you repeatedly claim I do. I most certainly do not.

Your obvious hatred of Christianity leads you to make false statements about me. Or a simpler word is lie.

Deedee, you are a Liar.

A BabyKiller is a Liar by nature, though not all abortion supporters are as dishonest as you.

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Stay in your own lane and worry about your own kids and pregnancy’s. You don’t have power over all

Women unlike what old white men think they do. 🤡

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No, innocent blood shedding is everyone’s business.

You think butchering human children is your right and delight in its legality. Much like the slave holder who assumed they’d always have such power over others, you’ll find as you age and weaken, harming and murdering these children comes with a very high cost,

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As someone who worked in reproductive health care, I observed 2 abortions at a providers clinic. The first at 8 weeks, the 2nd at 19. Different procedures but nothing like what was described . It was with respect for the patient. Let me disabuse the writer of the notion that a sieve is used. Even at 19 weeks no sieve. Most abortions occur before 12-13 weeks. For those that say abortions occur after a fetus is full term, that is nonsense. It is against the law.

Terminating a pregnancy is a difficult decision- all options involve loss. The bottom line is that it is a personal decision between a woman and doctors. If you are against abortion, fine, your right but do not impose your beliefs on others. My body, my choice

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Exactly. They have to exaggerate and lie to get sympathy for their cause. They need to mind their own business anyways.

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So condemning the unjust, brutal killing of an innocent preborn human being who’s done no wrong at any and every stage of their life is just exaggeration?

DeeDee, you seem to have compassion for everyone except the little child. Are you a post abortive mother? I’ve found most women (and men) who have no respect nor love for the baby they dehumanize and want the legal power to destroy have a direct connection to at least one child’s death somewhere in their past.

Is it so with you, DeeDee?

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(Post-Abortion Syndrome (PAS) is a form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD often occurs after an individual has suffered an event so stressful and so traumatic that this person is unable to cope with this experience in a normal manner. Following a traumatic event, sufferers of PTSD are unable to simply resume their lives where they had left off. Instead, they experience a variety of reactions that do not go away merely with the passage of time. The symptoms of PTSD (including PAS) vary from case to case, and sometimes, these reactions may not arise until years after the event. Nonetheless, this is a serious condition that needs to acknowledged and treated in order for the person to recover and resume a normal life.

Researchers investigating post-abortion reactions report only one positive emotion: relief. This emotion is understandable- especially in light of the high degree of pressure women facing unplanned pregnancies feel to “get it over with.”(2) After these temporary feelings of relief, the woman may enter a period which psychiatrists identify as “paralysis,” or post-abortion “numbness.” (3) Like shell-shocked soldiers, these post-abortive women are unable to express or even feel their own emotions. Their focus is primarily on having survived the ordeal, and they may be (at least temporarily) out of touch with their feelings.)

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Hahahaha ok Bridget the hypocrite. Not all lives matter. Children getting shot in school. Oh well Bridget the hypocrite says.

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What drugs are you on, DeeDee?

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You’re a hypocrite. Far right hypocrite. ✅🤡👈🏻

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Are you afraid to answer the question?

Have you aborted your son or daughter, DeeDee?

There’s always a reason why people support the evil of abortion. Usually they’ve been involved in at least one child’s death, I’ve found.

Here’s your chance to shout it.

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What about the little girl’s choice?

Oh, you pretend she’s not involved, right? As in, it’s not her body being violently destroyed by poison, by suction, by injecting a heart attack causing drug into her head or her torso, it’s not her body being delivered…up to her neck…so you can slit her throat and not be bothered by her cries as you next collapse her head before pulling it out…or killing her if she comes out alive after her abortion attack, right, Leanne Kennedy?

After all, you’re safe, no one will ever do that to your body, so who cares about these little girls and boys?

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What you say is just not true. No abortion is done beyond viability except to save a mother’s life and that is because the likelihood of the fetus surviving is zero. Let the medical profession make that decision along with the mother.

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Utterly false. Abortionists admit most 2nd and 3rd trimester abortions are done on healthy babies with healthy mothers. Further, why not offer hospice care for the baby that’s truly not surviving because of a rare health issue? Why must you violently and cruelly cause that child intense pain by killing them inside or partially inside the womb? What a sadistic thing to do to a sick child, kill her, instead of offering gentle care. Truly evil thinking and a hatred toward the disabled human child.

“According to the study, women have third-trimester abortions for a number of reasons, including difficulty obtaining an abortion, the inability to afford an abortion earlier, failure to realize she was pregnant earlier, and medical problems with the unborn baby. None of the abortions in the study were because of medical problems with the mother, according to the report.”


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Adopt all the baby’s Bridget. Adopt Them. No you don’t care if they live or die. You are a hypocrite.

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RemovedJul 13
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In what world does a professed BabyKilling Abortionphile dare condemn someone who hates abortion by calling them a “hypocrite” who “doesn’t care about children?”

Are you so confused you don’t even think before you post, DeeDee?

I get that you hate Jesus Christ. Why not admit you’re fine with some children’s violent, unjust and cruel deaths, but only as long as they’re in the womb or newly out of it?

Is that not hypocrisy, DeeDee?

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Save all children right Bridget. Even the ones being shot at school

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Good point Dee Dee - leading cause of death for our children is guns.

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Yea Bridget doesn’t care about living. Breathing talking beautiful


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Nope. 65 million plus living human children killed in the US by abortion/infanticide.

You really must think people are stupid, Leanne Kennedy.

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Dumber than a sack of rocks….. Bridget the approver of school 🏫 Shootings

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Hahahaha poor Bridget. Part of the poorly educated cult. Hypocrites in what they are.

Sexual abuse



School shootings.

Hypocrites like Bridget don’t care about children.

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Wait, have you changed your position, DeeDee?

If so, we’d agree that, yes, we must “save all children..”


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What is so utterly bizarre, is that we are constantly hectored about the dangers of "fascism" by a group of people who joyfully celebrate a level of soul-destroyed barbarism that can only find its equivalent in the laboratory of Nazi "Doctor" Josef Mengele. This isn't the banality of evil. This is evil made banal.

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"Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness."

--- Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr, and post-abortive

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Tell it, Ann Hall. Let everyone see for themselves exactly what “reproductive healthcare” aka abortion does to its victims. Not very healthy if you’re being honest, but what abortion supporter bothers with being that?

Seeing is believing.

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Abortion without a valid medical emergency is barbaric. The hospitals are more than aware that if there are complications with the pregnancy and it's life or death then they will act. But using Abortion has a form of contraception is evil and these people are mentally ill.

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So what do you do with a 10 year old who has been raped?

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Treat her with the highest level of obstetric care. The young mother ultimately will deliver the child. You prefer the baby die first, though it doesn’t have to happen if medically well managed.

It’s interesting you say earlier in this post you worked in the abortion industry as a counselor, and so use a rare, hard case to try to justify 65 million legal US abortions (with some post birth infanticides).

How many preborn girls and boys died from your work, Leanne Kennedy? You received compensation in the form of blood money for it. How many were wrongly executed because of your persuasion and how much money did you get from their deaths?

Are you proud to play a key role in the brutal extermination of human children?

Do you not think there’s an ultimate justice coming? I know there is:

Revelation 22:12: "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be."

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As a reproductive counselor I helped a client explore her options and then let her make her own decision. If she was 15 or younger we got in touch with her parent. I never put my personal opinion into the conversation. I never provided any information on abortions providers . Not my role. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions without fact. It is interesting that you close with a NT quote from Revelations. May ask you: What did Jesus say about abortion? Answer: Nothing. Read Beatitudes- that is the Christian mandate.

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What did Jesus say about murder, be it in the womb as abortion or outside it as infanticide? What did he say about the murder of a toddler? Or the murder of a human being made in God’s image of any age?

He affirmed his Father’s Word: God hates that shed innocent blood. Proverbs 6:16-17.

There’s no point in you trying to use Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as your defense of the sin of murder. It’s quite evil for you to even attempt such a lie, in fact. But seeing you’ve worked in the abortion industry, that’s exactly who you are, Leanne Kennedy. You’ve profited from the murder of an untold number of innocent human children, well, at least in the short term anyway.

Please tell me where in the beatitudes or elsewhere in the Bible it gives you or anyone the license to poison a baby with pills? Or suction a baby to shreds? Or slowly pull a baby apart piece by piece with metal clamping tools? Or inject a baby in her head or torso with a heart attack causing drug? Or deliver a baby to her neck so you can slit her throat and not be bothered by her agonizing cries as you next collapse her head and pull her out? Or strangle, smother, drown or in any other way kill a newborn abortion survivor?

Would you like these things to be done to you, Leanne Kennedy?

Please cite where your claim violence against children and their intentional death is affirmed in the Bible. You cannot. We all know the torture and murder of anyone, especially children, is anathema to God.

You should note this, too, Leanne:

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Matthew 18:6-14

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The comments on this article are so sad. Pro choice is pro human baby torture and murder. Life isn't Sacred to these monsters.

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Yes. That’s why I say if these inhumane, child haters are sincere as they try to sell child murder as “health care,” they too deserve the exact same standard and type of care on their bodies.

You’ll just need bigger surgical instruments to do unto them as they do unto the little children.

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Why don’t you make yourself useful and find a way to stop the highest killer of children in the USA. Guns Bridget. Guns. Guns kill children and family’s…. Bridget.

There’s a good lane you can go in and stay out of

Women’s business. Bridget. Make yourself useful Bridget🤡 other wise you are just hot air culting for the fascists.

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Your bizarre double response is noted, DeeDee.

Do you troll here because of a past abortion?

There’s a reason why you cannot stand anyone speaking out for the little girl (and boy) whom you desire to legally destroy.

Is it post-abortion syndrome, DeeDee?

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Why don’t you make yourself useful and figure out how to stop the biggest killer of children…. Find Bridget. Guns. Guns kill children and other people

You are such a joke. 🤡💩

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Actually Dr Kay, men's sperm counts have been declining for the past 40 years. I can point to numerous articles about this. Additionally, some experts have theorized that most couples (9 out of 10) will be unable to conceive naturally by the year 2045. While researchers have recognized this trend, no one actually understands why this is occurring. They suggest numerous factors, such as: Forever Chemicals (PFAS) and lifestyle including: obesity, lack of exercise, ultra-processed foods and smoking.)

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I don’t think this article tells the full story, actually: for example, it refers only to surgical abortion and not medical. It leaves out that the sieving, of sorts, sometimes takes place after a traumatic birth, looking for the mothers body parts after she has been cut open to deliver, and is perhaps missing part of her genitals. It also ignores that to bear witness to any nature of surgery is an emotive experience.

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No you are wrong. These sieves in the picture I am writing about were in an abortion clinic. No births of any kind ever happened there.

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That does not mean that similar are not used in delivery suites.

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again this is not what I am writing about, I am not writing about delivery suites, I am very specific. I am only writing about abortion clinics.

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You really are trying hard to conflate intentional child killing with birth.


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Your response exemplifies your intellectual level. You can’t even admit your lack of comprehension of the difference between living and non-living entities.

No wonder your responses are the way they are. You don’t have a lot to work with other than emotional frenzy and rage.

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You are pathetic Bridget. Pathetic. You don’t want to stop real live children from

Being shot. Shame on you. You are hypocrite if you don’t want to save children. Cult like.

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Your ignorance of science is clear. If the preborn human isn’t a “real live” child, why do you yearn to kill her, DeeDee?


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